July 29, 2019
Ilera News

Employee Spotlight: Tina Brunetti

Meet Tina, our pharmacist at Ilera’s Plymouth Meeting, PA Dispensary. Tina strives to provide  meaningful consultations to our patients and/or caregivers. If you’ve ever been to our Ilera Dispensary for your first visit, chances are, you have met Tina! She frequently sits at our front desk greeting patients as they come in and also provides her expert medical knowledge and advice to patients as they select the appropriate Ilera products for their condition.

Tina has been a pharmacist for 30 years and specializes in gerontology, which is the study of the social, cultural, psychological, cognitive, and biological aspects of aging. She is an excellent person whom less-experienced cannabis patients may prefer to meet with as to as they begin to use medical marijuana. She knows how to cater to each patient individually, whether using medical marijuana for the first or fiftieth time.

She personifies the Ilera Effect as she represents the positive impact our products have on our patients and the community. Being an expert in both medical marijuana and medicine, she is an ideal person to represent Ilera. She weaves this background to form a cohesive plan of care for her patients.

Tina is also an avid competitive golfer where her calm and easy demeanor transfers over as a skilled advantage on the putting green. Her love for golf has grown over the past 27 years with the opportunity to be with friends outside in the sun, get some fresh air, and exercise.

Here’s what one of our patients had to say about Tina:

“I have RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome). I was in for the first time last month and Tina, the pharmacist, helped me figure out what tinctures would be best for me.

She recommended SHINE for during the day to help me at work and DREAM to help me sleep through the night. I ended up leaving with both of them and a few vapes to sample. When I left your facility last month I had a weight lifted off my shoulders that has been there for the 15 years I've had RSD! It was so nice speaking with knowledgeable people who weren't judging me for my medications.

I came in yesterday to refill my tinctures and to get the capsules Tina and I talked about. I also purchased some dry leaf. I wanted to thank Tina in person and let her know how much the tinctures and the other Ilera products are helping."

Next time you visit Ilera Dispensary stop by and say hello to a warm and friendly face. Tina will be here to help you each step of the way! Her favorite advice? “Start low, go slow, and be patient”.